We hit the road about 9am Sunday morning and headed for a town called Leiper's Fork. Of course, I didn't write down the directions that my cousin gave me very well. After a slight detour, we were on the right path. We drove up the Natchez Trace Parkway. It was a long and winding road but the scenery was breathtaking. We finally arrived at our destination. As soon as we parked the car, I saw this really cool old truck.
We were going to eat at Puckett's Grocery but there were people everywhere waiting so we went to Joe Naturals instead. A much healthier alternative and it was quite yummy.
It was a very small, quaint, homey restaurant with a small gift shop. So cute!
After we ate, we walked around and went in a few shops. I bought a very cute shirt. Then we headed to Franklin to do some more shopping and to meet up with my cousin and his girlfriend. We walked around the town square for a little while then went off the square into some more antique shops. They have the nicest stuff up there. We left there and headed to Cool Springs to our hotel. We stayed at The Aloft. It's a very modern hotel and it was very cool. I was so tired I failed to get pictures but take my word for it, it was great.
Alright, alright, let's cut the crap here. Monday morning, we got up, I ate some cold pizza, and we headed to The Marriot for Annie Sloan's North American Tour. When she walked in the room, it was pretty cool, I have to admit. She talked to us for a couple of hours and told us a little bit about herself, her background in art, colors, a few new and exciting projects she's working on, etc.. It was so much fun listening to her. I could have sat in that chair all stinking day. After she spoke, we took a break for lunch then we broke up into small groups and headed to our workshops.
Our workshop was headed up by the lovely Stephanie Jones, owner of Me & Mrs Jones.
Stephanie is so very talented and she is a wonderful teacher. We had a blast. After we worked on some things, Annie came in and talked to us, answered some questions and then we went outside the room for a meet & greet. There was a cash bar so we mingled, met some wonderful new friends and waited to meet Annie.
This is my mother-in-law and I.
I didn't bring my book but I did get her to sign something I worked on in our workshop. I think Annie liked it. She called a lady over that was taking photographs that day and she photographed my board. Maybe she does that for everyone, maybe she liked mine, who knows but I was happy. Here are some things I worked on.
And finally, here is a photo of Annie Sloan and me. She was truly wonderful and she seemed to honestly enjoy meeting everyone and talking to us one on one.
Wow! How cool is that?