Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rusty Nails

The science fair project is finally finished. WOOHOO!! The variables were salt water, regular tap water, orange juice, vinegar and Coca-Cola. And the big winner is.....
Awe shucks, I can't tell you. That would take the fun out of it. Get yourself some uncoated nails and give it a whirl. Here are some pictures of the project. You'll be able to pick the winner from the pictures.
I have truly learned a lot about rust in the last few weeks. I pray that Peyton has too. I thought it would be a good easy starter project for him but there was a lot of chemistry involved that I didn't think about. I ended up having to teach him about the periodic table and some other things that he probably won't learn for a couple years.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Science Fair Project

Peyton and I have been working on something for a few weeks now, his science fair project. We have different liquids in different jars with an ungalvanized nail and we are trying to see which one is going to rust the quickest. We have our theory of which one is going to rust the quickest, and so far we are right. I don't remember ever participating in a science fair and it's a little bit intimidating. There are so many different projects out there you can choose and picking one might just be the hardest part of all.

Snow Day Baking

We had a snow day today. Well, Peyton had a snow day from school. We left the house at 6:50 this morning so I could take him to my parent's house for the day. I left our neighborhood and got in the next neighborhood and I was sliding all over the place. As my traction light started flashing, Peyton got really nervous and begged me to turn around and go back home. I called my supervisor to see if the interstates were bad and he told me to just stay at home. I was reluctant to do this because they really do want us to try and come to work if possible. I was worried about sliding on the roads on my 33 mile trip to work so I turned around and went back home. After fixing Peyton breakfast and cleaning up the kitchen, I went to sit down in the hearth room to watch TV. There was no volume on the TV and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. I tried all 3 remotes (crazy isn't it?) and nothing worked. Then I figured since I couldn't go back to sleep and I couldn't watch TV in there, I would bake.
I had some cookie dough in the fridge, some brownie mix in the pantry and some leftover peanut butter cups and mini-Snickers bars from Christmas so I decided to mix them together and see what happened.

I started with my Pampered Chef mini-muffin tin. I love this pan. It holds 24 mini-whatever you're making. I sprayed it with some Pam really well and then put a little piece of chocolate chip cookie dough in the bottom of each one.

I mixed the brownie mix up and scooped out a little bit on top of the cookie dough.

Then I baked them at 350 degrees for about 13 minutes. When they were done, I took them out and I put a peanut butter cup inside some of them and 1/4 of a mini-Snickers inside the rest. I put them back in the oven for 2 more minutes to melt everything together. They were DELICIOUS!!

Some of them I made a little differently. I put the cookie dough on the bottom of the pan, put a mini-Snickers on top of that and then scooped brownie mix on top of all that. They were just as yummy. I am pretty sure you can't mess up this combination.