I just found out this morning that I am a recipient of a Liebster Blog Award.
I only have 19 followers on this sweet little blog and this award is aimed at promoting small blogs and helping them grow.
I received the award from Samm at Little House in the Big D.
She has a fabulous blog that you definitely need to check out.
This award recognizes and promotes blogs that have less than 200 followers. I am passing it on to other up and coming bloggers that I love visiting daily!
Rules to accepting this award are:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Link back to that person's blog.
3. Copy and paste the award to your blog.
4. Present the award to 3-5 blogs of 200 followers or less that you feel deserve this recognition.
5. Let those blogs know by leaving them a comment.
Here are the blogs I am passing the award to:
1. Stiltkskin Studios
2. Finding Silver Pennies
3. Leisure Living
Alright everyone, keep on reading our blogs and make sure you are a follower. You don't want to miss anything exciting!!
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